About me
- Proficient in: C, C++, Git, CMake, Python, Make, Linux, Bash, Qt, EPICS
- Lots of C/C++ debugging experience using GDB, LLDB, runtime sanitizers (e.g. ASAN), profilers (perf, vtune)
and static analysis tools such as clang-tidy
- Lots of experience with Linux software development and deployment
- Some experience with: C#, Powershell, real-time Linux, RTEMS
- Some experience with low-level optimization involving SIMD and cache optimization techniques.
- Limited experience with: Go, JavaScript, web development
Work History
- Embedded Systems Software Engineer at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in TID-ID-CSE (2023-present)
- Controls engineering aide at SLAC in the LCLS-II controls group (2019-2023)
- Engine programmer and maintainer for Strata Source (2020-present)
- B.A. Network and Digital Technology from the University of California, Santa Cruz
- GitHub profile
- Linkedin
- Personal e-mail: jeremy.lorelli.1337 (at) gmail (dot) com
- Work e-mail: lorelli (at) slac (dot) stanford (dot) edu